Identification |
Official Latin term | lamina spinalis V (par) |
Official subsidiary term | lame spinale V (paire) |
Unit identifier | TAH:U5184 |
Unit type | pair |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | A spinal layer V is a lamina of grey matter of spinal cord [lamina substantiae griseae medullae spinalis] which consists of cells projecting to the brain stem and the thalamus via the contralateral and ipsilateral spinothalamic tract; moreover, descending corticospinal and rubrospinal fibers synapse upon its cells. |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
corpus humanum
TAH:U5062 | |
TAH:U5068 | |
TAH:U5138 | |
TAH:U7984 | |
TAH:U5157 | |
TAH:U5176 | |
TAH:U5184 | lamina spinalis V (par) |
Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:49443 | |
FMA:83115 | |
FMA:83143 | |
FMA:277749 | |
FMA:83926 | |
FMA:68861 | |
FMA:68866 | lamina spinalis V |
Date: 08.03.2022 |